Success in a Changing World (SCW)
(SCW) is a unique life-skills’ package, embedding civic values and working from within Muslims’ faith. It has empowered a new
generation of social actors in MENA committed to advancing civic values, pluralism, diversity and human rights.
Many of SCW graduates have become grassroots advocates for civic values from within their respective local communities and
culture. SCW graduates have formed, registered, and led 18 local centers in as many cities.
Our decade-old programme thrived, proved universal, and survived the turmoil of the Arab spring. Most recently, we established our
programme among Syrian and Yemeni groups in Turkey and Jordan.

SCW has impacted civic development in the region

Getting young people involved in local civic groups: these groups recognize the value of SCW in reaching out to volunteers and encouraging civic engagement. SCW activities are hugely popular and on constant demand with over one thousand volunteers on long-term commitment and 100 paid staff.

Our mentor-ship programme has led the course’s graduates to go on to launch much needed civic campaigns, such as the Farewell to Arms in Iraq and Social Mobilization against Extremism in Tunis.

As we have expanded over the years so has the demands and needs from educational institutes. From a Catholic school in Palestine, to a state school in Najaf/ Iraq and private college in Marrakesh/ Morocco, SCW
course is in such a great demand that these schools have paid to have our trainers run courses on their premises .

Social integration in divided societies is hard to achieve, but our programme has tackled this through enabling young people to work together; during an intense period of Iraqi Kurdish independence referendum, our partners were the first to launch social-media campaigns to counter wide-spread hate messages.

Countries such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Algeria are regarded as closed with restrictions on civil society yet IFID, due to its local ownership approach, has been successful in strengthening civic actors within them
Success in a Changing World (SCW)
In the last 15 years IFID has been developing its pioneering leadership development programme to nurture a committed and missionary generation of civil actors in MENA, one of the most turbulent regions of the world.
SCW is distinct in its understanding and appreciation of role of local cultures and religious beliefs in not only the stagnation of democratic efforts, but the inability of the younger generations in breaking the vicious Sycle of authoritarianism, radicalisation and violence in the region.
SCW energises grass root groups, mobilises them around civic actions and unlocks leadership qualities in ordinary youth. Our course graduates are confident, self-motivated and rooted in their communities. 47 training teams were born out of SCW around MENA region, run by 1000 committed volunteers and 90 missionary staff.
IFID’s established trainers are now regional leaders and educators. They have trained, mentored, and influenced hundreds of youth in their countries as well as other countries in MENA and beyond.
Local young teachers and workers took the stage to introduce SCW to thousands of their peers in high schools and universities in countries like Iraq, Morocco, Sudan and Jordan.
Confidence, self-worth, and intellectual courage
A young participant learns the foundations of SCW in face to face and online training workshops. SCW established trainers lead the introduction of the main pillars of the course:
- From local to global: revisit the definitions of Success, Self, and Life as core foundations of an effective worldview.
- Learning versus judging: teach critical thinking from within a religious mind-set.
- Self-motivation: build positive and robust mental habits for day to day challenges.
- Leadership is caring: Link self-development to Civic engagement.
Capacity building and technical training for social development
A young participant is engaged in initiatives and small projects to learn the necessary executive skills for better performance:
- Planning and execution
- Communication and presentation
- Decision making
IT for work
Solve problems, motivate, and facilitate continues learning
A young participant is introduced to an experienced mentor from IFID’s regional network of 14 certified regional trainers from 11 Arab countries and UK.
The mentorship process takes 6 months and the mentor is available to help the young participant with practical and mental challenges they face.
The mentorship process is monitored closely by the programme’s teams in London and Amman through online means and face to face meetings.
The mentorship process includes;
- SCW mentorship guideline session by IFID
- Weekly online follow up meetings by the mentor
- Monitoring and evaluation by IFID
- Graduation project by the participant
Valued, recognized, and integrated
The young participant gets the opportunity to meet and engage with members of 47 SCW groups from 13 MENA countries through SCW online platform Mana9a. https://mana9a.net/. as well regional face to face meetings and working groups.
The SCW regional team introduces the young participant to broader training opportunities through a growing network of partnerships’ base it has.
Success in a Changing
World (SCW) IFID’s Leadership
development programme
Practical Framework
Confidence, self-worth, and intellectual courage
A young participant learns the foundations of SCW in face to face and online training workshops. SCW established trainers lead the introduction of the main pillars of the course:
- From local to global: revisit the definitions of Success,Self, and Life as core foundations of an effective worldview.
- Learning versus judging: teach critical thinking from within a religious mind-set.
- Self-motivation: build positive and robust mental habits for day to day challenges.
- Leadership is caring: Link self-development to Civic engagement.
Capacity building and technical training for social development
A young participant is engaged in initiatives and small projects to learn the necessary executive skills for better performance:
- Planning and execution
- Communication and presentation
- Decision making
- IT for work
Solve problems, motivate, and facilitate continues learning
A young participant is introduced to an experienced mentor from IFID’s regional network of 14 certified regional trainers from 11 Arab countries and UK.
The mentorship process takes 6 months and the mentor is available to help the young participant with practical and mental challenges they face.
The mentorship process is monitored closely by the programme’s teams in London and Amman through online means and face to face meetings.
The mentorship process includes;
- SCW mentorship guideline session by IFID
- Weekly online follow up meetings by the mentor
- Monitoring and evaluation by IFID
- Graduation project by the participant
Valued, recognized, and integrated
The young participant gets the opportunity to meet and engage with members of 47 SCW groups from 13 MENA countries through SCW online platform Mana9a. Mana9a. as well regional face to face meetings and working groups.
The SCW regional team introduces the young participant to broader training opportunities through a growing network of partnerships’ base it has.